CDH/AutoSPOT Version 1.3

Release Note CDH/Auto SPOT Version 1.3


 Dear AutoSPOT-User,

 We are pleased to inform you that CDH/AutoSPOT release version 1.3 is now available.

 The CDH/AUTOSPOT 1.3 release includes following enhancements and new features:

  • A new feature for creating surface glue connection.
  • New parameters -rho and -ge to define material properties for spotweld.
  • Glue/Seamline length information is printed in warning.msg file. If the line length difference compared to VDA line is greater than a threshold, warning message is issued. The threshold can be set by a new parameter -lengthmsg
  • Updated user manual.
  • Optimized performance and several minor fixes

Download link:

Please contact us to receive the password.

If you have any questions or need any technical assistance, please do not hesitate to contact

Anita Claus

Contact person

Anita Claus//
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