Release Note CDH/VAO Version 2024.1
Dear VAO-User,
We are pleased to inform you that CDH/VAO release version 2024.1 is now available.
CDH/VAO 2024.1 release includes following new features and enhancements:
- Supports multiple subcases in NTF/VTF VA using template with significant performance improvement. User manual Chapter 10 describes how to include multiple subcases in template file.
- VA analysis using template file supports result output in Nastran punch format and csv format.
- Enhanced support of multiple submodels for the same PID. Previous versions of VAO allow only single submodel to be defined for a PID. This limitation has now been removed. Multiple submodels can be defined for a single PID. For example, a PSHELL property can have simultaneously submodels using thickness, Young’s modulus, density as design variables. A PBUSH can have submodels defined by its stiffnesses and material dampings in three directions (K1, k2, K3, GE1, GE2, GE3). User is recommended to refer to VAO manual for various design variables of submodel definitions.
- VAO 2024.1 is compiled by Matlab 2021a. Use of VAO 2024.1 requires installation of Matlab 2021a Runtime, which can be downloaded from Mathworks:
Note: CDH does not provide Matlab 2021a Runtime installation pack.
- VAO 2024.1 release contains compiled Matlab versions for Linux and Windows platform. Matlab license is not required to run compiled VAO.
Supported operating systems
- Linux Redhat 7.9 and 8.x
Download link:
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Contact person
Anita Claus//Javascript needed!
10th Human Modeling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering
10th Human Modeling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering in Marburg.