Dear Animator-User,
We have released a new version of GNS Animator4 FEM Post-Processor.
GNS Animator4 Version 2.7.0 offers following new features and enhancements:
- Support for touch screen inputs
- Support for vectors, tensors, ‘element to node’, ‘node to element’ functions in ‘fun cal’
- Support for <range> in formula of calculator
For further details and a complete list of new features, improvements and bug fixes see the WhatsNew tab in the About dialog in Animator4 or review the file WhatsNew.text in the installation directory.
Please download the new Animator4 version from gnscloud (
Login as user “animator”. Please contact us to receive the password.
If you would like to learn more about functions and features of GNS Animator4 please visit us on YouTube.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact

Contact person
Anita Claus//Javascript needed!