FE Q-Dummy Models
In 2020, by contractual agreement with Phitec Ingegneria srl (PHITEC), CDH AG acquired the rights to market, distribute and support finite element (FE) CELLBOND-PHITEC Q-Dummy models in Japan.
In close cooperation with CELLBOND, a leading Crash Test Dummies hardware supplier, PHITEC develops and validates virtual models of the Q-Dummy family. The Q Series comprises the models Q0, Q1, Q1.5, Q3, Q3s, Q6 and Q10. Each model is based on the 50th percentile child of the respective age. Q-Dummies are used in safety testing based on Euro NCAP protocols to determine child occupant protection ratings. More recently the European regulation ECE R129 was introduced to further promote the use of enhanced child restraint systems.
In year 2018 the FE Q-Dummy development started as a response to new Euro NCAP 2020 safety regulations focusing on Q6, Q10 and Q10 upgrade kit requirements.
- The Q3, Q6 and Q10 (Euro NCAP and Euro NCAP 2020) dummy models are now available.
The Q3 Dummy accurately represents an average 3 year old child and is used for crash testing applications. The dummy is positioned in cars to test occupant safety and is used in a range of sled tests for harness and safety belt evaluation.
- FE models represent full geometrical details of the original hardware dummies.
- All sensors are modelled as solid volumes.
- S-Track uses a kinematic mechanism to measure chest deflection.
- All models exhibit correct representation of mass and inertia
The Q10 model with APTS sensors for C-NCAP 2022 is now available.
The FE Model components are validated against hardware component tests at different impact speeds.
Physical test vs. FE Model
Articulation and positioning of CELLBOND-PHITEC FE Q-Dummies Pre-Processor can be optimally performed using Pre-Processor tools such as: GNS Generator4, Beta CAE Ansa and Oasys Primer.
The Q-Dummies models are available for ANSYS LS-Dyna® solver. The ESI VPS Pam-Crash version will be available during 2023.
Cellbond-Phitec FE Q-Dummies