GNS Animator 4

The Leading Post-Processor for FEM Analysis

In year 1998 CDH AG acquired marketing, sales and support rights from GNS mbH, the developer of the Animator software, to distribute the FEM Post-Processor in America, Europe and Asia.

Animator4 is a high performance and resource efficient FEA post-processor for animation and analysis of extremely large finite element models. Animator4 supports a wide range of finite element analysis (FEA) and interfaces to popular commercial FE solvers including LS-Dyna, Pamcrash, Radioss, Nastran, Abaqus and Madymo.

The development of Animator4 began in the early 1990s. The first commercial version, known as Animator3, was released in October 1996. The successor of Animator3, Animator4 was released in year 2009. Today Animator4 is being used by almost all automotive companies world-wide, a large number of aerospace companies, and the chemical industry.

  • Extremely fast FEA post-processing and visualization utilizing latest computer technologies and resources efficiently.
  • Intuitive graphical user interface (GUI)
    • Easy to learn - easy to use
  • Powerful visualization features
    • support of multiple render modes
    • Multi-slot visualization technology
    • Cross section views
    • Stereoscopic 3D options to support 3D animation using 3D glasses.
  • Correlation and overlay of crash-test videos with FEA results.
    Animator4 supports calculation of missing camera parameters using reference points selected by the user.
  • Animator4 command language supports generation of session files for batch processing. The TCL scripting interface allows customization of GUI and user defined post-processing functionality.
  • Extensive graph and curve functionality to visualize nodal and element time history data and to perform mathematical analysis operations and/or apply filters (e.g. SAE, CFC) for complex safety analysis algorithms (HIC, VCC, etc.)
  • The reporting and documentation module allows users to prepare reports supporting direct and comfortable access to Animator4 FEA results and visualizations, graphs, curves, etc.
Abaqus fil File, odb File, Input File
Ansys RST-Database
Advcluster ADVENTURECluster adv files
Autogrid General Autogrid Output data
Database4 HDF5
Gom GOM ASCII files
Hyper3d Altair h3d binary files
Indeed ASCII Output Files
Jt Binary and ASCII
LS Dyna d3plot File (plain and femzipped), Input File
Madymo KIN3, hdf5
Marc Binary (t16 files), ASCII (t19 files)
Medina bif/bof
Nastran OUTPUT2 Database (plain and femzipped), Input File
Pamcrash DSY-Database (plain and femzipped), Input File
Patran Neutralfile
Radioss Annn, Dnn, Ynnn, Tnn files, Input File
Universal ASCII-Files, Dataset Number 55, 56, 57, 82, 115, 2414


CDH Animator 4 Fringe Plot


CDH Animator 4 Shaded

*Graphic performance was measured using the FRAPS software ( to determine Frame per Second (FPS) value. FEM Post-Processors configured for maximum graphic performance using NVIDIA OpenGL accelerated graphics.


LS-DYNA 3D benchmark model: 10 million nodes, 21 setps

CDH AG LS-DYNA 3D Benchmark Model

Courtesy note:
This model has been developed by The National Crash Analysis Center@(NCAC) of The George Washington University under a contract with the FHWA and NHTSA of the US DOT. The LS-DYNA result file was supplied by LSTC and FUJITSU LIMITED for the FEM Post-Processing benchmark.



Benchmark was performed on HP Z230 Workstations
OS: Microsoft ®Windows7proSP1 64bit
CPU: Intel ® Xeon E5-1271 v3 @3.6GHz (Intel Haswell-EP, 4 Cores)
Graphic: NVIDIA® Quadro Graphic Cards K4000, K2200, K2000


Abaqus odb
Dyna ASCII, binary
Madymo hdf5
Pamcrash THP
Radioss th, thx
Diadem ASCII
ModelGraphicsOperating System
with XFree 4.0 all OpenGL supported graphic cards all major distributions,
32 and 64 bit
PC all OpenGL supported graphic cards Windows 7 (64 bit)
Windows 8 (64 bit)
Windows 10 (64 bit)

Introduction to GNS Animator4

Animator4 is a high performance and resource efficient FEA post-processor for animation and analysis of extremely large finite element models. Animator4 supports a wide range of finite element analysis (FEA) and interfaces to popular commercial FE solvers including LS-Dyna, Pamcrash, Radioss, Nastran, Abaqus and Madymo.

GNS Animator4

Views/Windows in GNS Animator4

How to display and animate multiple models and curves on the screen at once in Animator4.

Video Synchronization in GNS Animator4

How to synchronize and display video test data with analysis result test data in Animator4.

Cross Sections in GNS Animator4

Cutting planar cross sections on model data in Animator4.

ToolBars in GNS Animator4

How to create your own toolbars in Animator4.

Session File in GNS Animator4

How to create your own Session File in Animator4.

Time Steps in GNS Animator4

How to create and use Time Steps in Animator4.

Section Force in GNS Animator4

How to display Section Force in Animator4.

Section Force

Shading and Rendering in GNS Animator4

How to do shading and rendering in Animator4.

Section Force

Curve - Basic Introduction in GNS Animator4

Basic Introduction on how to work Curves in Animator4.

Section Force

Presentations in GNS Animator4

How to create presentations in Animator4.

GNS Animator4

Christian Pieper

Contact person

Christian Pieper//
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