High Fidelity FE Dummy Models for CAE Vehicle Safety Analysis
In 2017, by contractual agreement with ATD-MODELS GmbH, CDH AG acquired the rights to market, distribute and support ATD Hybrid 3 dummy and finite element (FE) impactor models in North America and Japan. ATD-MODELS GmbH is a specialist in the development of high-quality FE models for vehicle safety analysis. The company was founded in 2009 by experts with years of experience in dummy development and occupant-safety simulation. ATD-MODELS GmbH develops highly accurate FE models in close cooperation with the German and other world-wide automobile industry partners. ATD FE models are used in the virtual development process for occupant and pedestrian protection engineering calculations.
ATD MODEL of the Hybrid III 50% Male Dummy
With the ATD-H350 we offer our customers a dummy model which is created with our special modelling techniques and therefore represents a very realistic virtual model.
Some characteristics of the ATD-H350 are:
- Prestressed chest and jacket
- Prestressed joint bumpers
- Technical insight through accurate implementation of the geometry
ATD MODEL of the Hybrid III 5% Female Dummy
With the ATD-H305 we offer our customers a dummy model which is created with the same special modelling techniques successfully used with the ATD-H350 and therefore represents a very realistic virtual model.
Some characteristics of the ATD-H305 are:
- Prestressed chest and jacket
- Prestressed joint bumpers
- Implementation of the jacket geometry using information from CT scanning
- Technical insight through realistic implementation of the geometry
ATD MODEL of the Hybrid III 95% Male Dummy
The ATD-H395 was modelled and numbered in the same way as the other ATD Hybrid-III-Dummies. This enables the analyst already using ATD dummy models to easily include the ATD-H395 model in existing scripts for simulation and reporting. The precise modelling results in accurate simulation and insight for particularly demanding load cases such as heavy occupant knee mapping and interactions with restraint systems.
Some characteristics (similar to those of the ATD-H350/305): of the ATD-H395 are:
- same numbering as the other ATD-HIII-Dummies
- Prestressed chest and jacket
- Prestressed joint bumpers
- Modelling insight through realistic implementation of the geometry
ATD Models Features:
- High accuracy owing to physics-based modeling techniques
- FE models available for industry standard explicit FE codes ABAQUS*, LS-DYNA* and PAM-CRASH*
- Commonality of modeling standards for all dummy models
- Uniform discretization, nomenclature and numbering systems
- Same scripts for pre and post processing
- Same session file and application procedures
- Full utilization of code-specific features of each solver
Advantages to Users:
- Systematic title nomenclature refers to the assembly groups
- Prefix in each title description allows a fast adjustment to the nomenclature of the load case
- Numeration not overlapping the assembly groups
- Advantage in pre and post processing
- Allows selection of assembly parts and groups
- Each assembly group close defined for itself
- Definition regarding the master, e.g. contacts relate to the assembly group
* The trade names are the property of the owning companies.
ATD -Hybrid III Dummy Models