GNS Advanced 2000 Crash Barrier (MDB-R95)
In 2021 CDH AG acquired marketing, sales and support rights from GNS mbH to distribute the GNS FEA barrier models in America, Europe and Asia. GNS mbH is a specialist in the development of high-quality FE software solutions (e.g. GNS Animator4) and FE models for vehicle safety analysis. Since more than 20 years, GNS mbH develops highly accurate FE Crash Barrier models in close cooperation with the German and other world-wide automobile industry partners. GNS Crash Barrier FE models are used in the virtual development process for passive vehicle safety engineering calculations.
Modelling of the GNS Advanced 2000 barrier in accordance with ECE R-95
- default block stiffnesses meet the required mean level of the constant part of the certification corridors
- scalable blocks for considering the range of stiffness within each block corridor
- extended validation domain with additional drop tower tests for verifying the
- failure modes of adhesive and cladding plates
- robustness check against Honda Accord model provided by NHTSA
Easy Adjustable
By utilizing the following *PARAMETER_LOCAL GNS_MAS, GNS_VEL, GNS_FIX the barrier model integrates perfectly in your simulation.
The barrier models was calibrated using several hardware tests with vehicle like lateral structures as impact bodies in different positions.
Adhesive beams, gluing honeycomb to cladding sheets are able to fail under certain load.
Two versions of the GNS Advanced 2000 barrier model are available, considering enabled or disabled gravity in your simulation.
Pressure Air Wheels
Trolley wheels with tires of pressure air, getting model motion closer to reality.