MpCCI Mapper

Fraunhofer MpCCI Mapper

In 2016 CDH AG acquired marketing, sales and support rights from scapos AG to distribute MpCCI products in Japan and USA. The MpCCI interface software is a vendor neutral solution for co-simulation and file-based data transfer. MpCCI supports a growing number of commercial as well as research simulation tools in different engineering disciplines.

The crash behavior of relevant components does not only depend on design geometry and material properties, but is also influenced by manufacturing history. A failure can be caused by local thickness reduction or residual stress peaks which are a result of the stamping process. This failure can limit the functionality of the entire component. In particular the local hardening step can induce gradients in the phase proportions or influence residual stresses – and thus influence the dynamic behavior of the crash part.

MpCCI Mapper allows to check the geometric compliance of two models by calculating the local distances between them. The (automatic) mesh alignment helps to adjust the positions of two models if they are not in a non-conformal coordinate system. A robust mapping algorithm enables the transfer of various physical quantities (with nodal-, element- or shell-layer based locations) for all standard shell element and mesh types. The mapping works for different integration types as well as for different number of integration points in thickness direction for source and target model.

By using a so-called »back-mapping validation« the user can check and estimate the influence of locally incompatible mesh discretizations on the mapping quality. In a similar way the user may compare experimental data (e.g. from forming analysis tools like Atos, Argus, or Autogrid) with simulation results. The MpCCI Mapper can provide local quantity difference images, which then can be used to adjust the parameters of the forming simulation.

MpCCI MapperThe MpCCI Mapper comes with a graphical user interface where all relevant parameters for the mapping can be set. The usage of the tool is quite simple: after selecting the models and parts some choices concerning algorithms and parameters have to be made. After the mapping the results and the original values are loaded into the MpCCI Visualizer.

The immediate visualization of the results makes it possible to detect model errors or bad mapping results due to parameter problems. The user can identify the critical areas and start a new mapping process.

Additionally, the MpCCI Mapper can be used as a batch tool. The parameters and settings that are normally made in the GUI can be defined in a simple ASCII configuration file.

The tool is available for Windows and Linux 32– or 64–bit machines in graphical and batch mode.

Major Features

  • Automatic Model Positioning
  • Mapping
  • Validation
  • Analysis
  • Post Processing

File Interfaces
The MpCCI FSIMapper supports a growing number of CFD export file formats and input formates for CSM.

Further interfaces are under development. If you are interested to map your own file formats through MpCCI FSIMapper we would be happy to support you.

  • LS-Dyna
  • PAMStamp
  • AutoForm
  • Indeed
  • Forge
  • LS-Dyna
  • PAMCrash
  • Abaqus
  • ANSYS Mech.
  • MSC.Nastran
  • Abaqus
  • ANSYS Mech.
  • Sysweld
  • Argus / Aramis
  • Atos
  • Autogrid
  • STL


  • thickness
  • stress
  • strain
  • plastic strain
  • pressure
  • local material properties
  • temperature
Christian Pieper


Christian Pieper//
Javascript needed!