GNS Generator4 Version 1.9.4

Dear Generator user, We are pleased to inform you that GNS Generator4 Release Version 1.9.4 is now available. The main release points of Generator4 Version 1.9.4 are:  Commands Fixed crash in Mid Ply Fixed LS-Dyna *CONSTRAINED_RIGID_BODIES disappearing when being copied Load/Import Ig...

CDH/AutoSPOT Version 1.3.1

Dear AutoSPOT-User, We are pleased to inform you that CDH/AutoSPOT release version 1.3.1 is now available. The CDH/AutoSPOT 1.3.1 release includes following enhancements and new features: Fixed incomplete line connections by V1.3 in certain glue/seamline cases Optimized performance Download...

GNS Animator4 Version 2.7.2

Dear Animator user, We have released a new version of GNS Animator4 FEM Post-Processor.   GNS Animator4 Version 2.7.2 offers following new features and enhancements: Dropped support for RHEL/CentOS 7 Fixed issues that caused instabilities when reading a database. Reduced file size (up to 10%) ...

CDH/OPTRAN Version 5.5.1

Dear OPTRAN user, We are pleased to inform you that CDH/OPTRAN Version 5.5.1 is now available.The latest CDH/OPTRAN release version offers the following corrections:1. Bug-Fixes: Fixed: CSV output for SDISP contains incorrect frequency steps if multiple subcases with distinct frequency vector...

ATD-fPLI Version D01.01

Dear ATD-fPLI user,   We are pleased to inform you that the new ATD-fPLI release version D01.01 is now available on the download server.   The main release points of version D01.01 are:  Modified MASS distribution to improve COG locations Improved materials for FEMUR and TIBIA bones and bu...

10th Human Modeling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass CDH am 13. und 14. November 2024 in Marburg an der 10. internationalen Fachtagung „Human Modeling and Simulaton in Automotive Engineering teilnehmen wird. Das internationale Symposium zielt darauf ab, den Dialog zwischen Forschern, Softwareentwicklern ...

GNS Generator4 Version 1.9.3

Dear Generator user, we are pleased to inform you that GNS Generator4 Release Version 1.9.3 is now available. The main release points of Generator4 Version 1.9.3 are: Load/Import PAM-CRASH Fixed Crash when reading a GES GRP item with missing delimiter Safety LS-Dyna Fixed reading *E...

ATD-aPLI Version D02.13

Dear ATD-aPLI user,   We are pleased to inform you that the new ATD-aPLI release version D02.13 is now available on the download server.   The main release points of version D02.13 are:  Updated mesh  --> SBL-B Bumper cover (this simulates the bumper cover geometry change of the hardware, p...

Anita Claus


Anita Claus//
Javascript needed!


04.02.2025 GNS Generator4 Version 1.9.4

Release Note GNS Generator4 Version 1.9.4

24.01.2025 CDH/AutoSPOT Version 1.3.1

Release Note CDH/AutoSPOT Version 1.3.1

29.11.2024 GNS Animator4 Version 2.7.2

Release Note GNS Animator4 Version 2.7.2

19.11.2024 CDH/OPTRAN Version 5.5.1

Release Note CDH/OPTRAN Version 5.5.1