ATD-aPLI Version D02.13

Dear ATD-aPLI user,
We are pleased to inform you that the new ATD-aPLI release version D02.13 is now available on the download server.
The main release points of version D02.13 are: 
  • Updated mesh  --> SBL-B Bumper cover (this simulates the bumper cover geometry change of the hardware, please refer to the Cellbond Technical Bulletin, aPLI SBL-B Bumper Cover Updates)
  • New mesh --> Lower Limb Flesh assembly
  • New position for top SKIN STRAP
  • Updated preloading conditions
  • Modified MASS distribution to improve COG locations
  • Updated materials for:
    • FEMUR and TIBIA bones
    • FEMUR and TIBIA buffer
  • Updated KNEE LCL cable dimension

Please download the new version directly from the ATD-MODELS GmbH download area using the user name and password originally supplied to you with commercial ATD-aPLI delivery.
For further information on the change history please refer to report_aPLI.txt included in the delivery package.

If you need any technical assistance, please contact

Anita Claus


Anita Claus//
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