Nastran Delivery Database Update Release CDH/AMLS 5.2 and CDH/FastFRS 2.2 (revision 192)

Dear AMLS/FastFRS user,

 this release includes updated and latest Nastran Delivery Databases for running AMLS 5.2.r192, which was released in October 2023. AMLS 5.2.r192 is intended to be the last revision of AMLS 5.2 series. The future AMLS release will be version 5.3, designed and built for more modern hardware and system platforms.

 1. Nastran Delivery Data Base (DDB) Update

 In this release the DDB for the following versions of Nastran are available:

 MSC: 2018.2, 2019.1, 2020.1, 2021.4, 2022.1, 2022.2, 2022.3, 2022.4, 2023.1, 2023.2, 2023.3, 2023.4

NX/SC: 12.0, 2020.1, 2020.2, 2021.1, 2021.2, 2022.1, 2206.1, 2212, 2306, 2312

 Please note that every new release of the AMLS DDBs is stamped with the creation date, which can be seen in the f06 file.

 CAUTION: End of support warnings

  • AMLS 5.2.r192 is the last AMLS release that officially supports the RHEL/CentOS 6.x operating system by default
  • This is the last intended Nastran DDB release that officially supports AMLS 5.2.r192

 2. Nastran Delivery Data Bases (DDB) for Advanced Acoustic Solver Interface (AASI)

 CDH Advanced Acoustic Solver Interface (AASI) offers a number of advanced features and enhanced simulation options compared to standard AMLS DDBs. The present release includes the following features:

  • CDH/AASI-PEM is a new AMLS/FastFRS based interface to efficiently solve acoustic simulation containing porous elastic material (PEM) from MSC ACTRAN
  • CDH/AASI-FastPPF is a new highly efficient algorithm for computing Panel Participation Factors (PPF)
  • CDH/AASI-MONCARL is a new highly efficient implementation of Monte-Carlo simulations using the non-parametric variability method (NPVM) in SOL 111, alternative to MSC MONCARL feature

The supported Nastran Versions by AASI DDB in this release are

  • MSC 2021.4, 2022.2, 2022.4, 2023.1, 2023.2, 2023.3, 2023.4

Download Link:

Please contact us to receive the password.

For extended long-term support of an older DDB version, or questions or need assistance, please contact


Anita Claus


Anita Claus//
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