Dear Generator user,
We are pleased to inform you that GNS Generator4 Release Version 1.8.2 is now available.
The main release points of Generator4 Version 1.8.2 are:
- Fixed crash when attempting to identify Rigid Property which has slave Rigid Bodies
- Fixed updating Keyword references after a PAM-CRASH version change, which resulted in potentially incorrect TRSFM transformations
- ...
For further details and a complete list of new features, improvements and bug fixes see the documentation.
You can find Generator4 at:
User: animator
Please contact us to receive the password.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact
Anita Claus//Javascript needed!
10th Human Modeling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering
10. Internationales Symposium Human Modeling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering in Marburg.